Angela ANZI
Angela Anzi’s (*1981) artistic practice is characterized by a multimodal approach and an analytical interest in the genuine expressiveness of material. In her sculptures, performances and installations, she overturns traditional conceptions that arise from the shape and the material of the objects shown. In this way, she provokes material synergies and continuous shifts in meaning via movement, touch and intermedial mirroring. The result is unusual sensory impressions, within which the civilizationally learned filter mechanisms of our sensorial attention seem to be immobilized, and reality and fantasy become one.

Exhibitions and Performances (Selection)
2024 - Chanted Water (Solo), Oxyd, Winterthur, Switzerland
2024 - Anna Blume, der Raum ist weit, HELDENREIZER Contemporary, Munich, Germany
2023 - Geduldige Gefüge 3, Jour de Ruhr x dispari, Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U, Germany
2023 - Frankfurt Kitchen – Serves You Right, dauerhafte Installation im Liebling Haus, Tel Aviv, Israel
2023 - BYOB - BSL Edition, Haus der Elektronischen Künste, TransBona Halle, Basel, Switzerland
2022 - Sentimental Organs (Solo), Zimmermannshaus, Brugg, Schwitzerland
2022 - Art Dubai, HELDENREIZER Contemporary, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2021 - Out of Space, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany
2021 - Aiaia, HELDENREIZER Contemporary, Munich, Germany
2021 - Papiripar, Radio und Festival, Westwerk - Studio 45 - Welt, Hamburg, Germany
2020 - Resistance of Bodies / Persistence of Sound, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof,
Hamburg, Germany -
2020 - Deserted Landscapes, Collection Falckenberg, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Germany
2020 - Auswahl 20, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland
2020 - Entré & Hommage, Projektraum M54, Basel, Switzerland
2019 - Hilfestellungen an Objekten 5, Kraftwerk Bille, Hamburg, Germany
2019 - Recognize your Playgrounds, Architekturdialoge, Basel, Switzerland
2019 - Territoire #4, Assistance to a fountain, Open Space, Nancy, France
2019 - How to listen to pillars and things, Westwerk, Hamburg, Germany
2019 - Zeit für Performance: Eile mit Weile, Stiftung Akku, Emmenbrücke, Switzerland
2019 - The shape, the scent, the feel of things, Medienwerkstatt, Vienna, Austria
2018 - Auswahl 18, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland
2018 - Whispering Mimicry, Moviemento, Linz, Austria
2018 - From A Ground Place, Alpineum Produzentengalerie Luzcerne, Switzerland
2017 - Affaires naturelles, Kunstpavillon, Lucerne, Switzerland
2017 - Frenzi and Friends in the Black Box, Forum Box, Helsinki, Finland
2016 - Räppel, Schnurre, Ratsche, Frappant, Hamburg, Germany
2015 - Hilfestellungen an Objekten 2, Einstellungsraum, Hamburg, Germany
2015 - Body Art Festival, Accademia Albertina, Turin, Italy
2015 - Your skin makes me cry: Loop alternative Space, Seoul, KR/ Kuandu Museum, Taipei,Taiwan/ Goethe- Institut, San Francisco, USA/ Art Victoria, Bukarest, Romania
Born 1981 in Luzern/Switzerland
Lives and works in Basel
2014-2017 M.A. Fine Arts, department of »Time-Based Media«, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg
2013 Goldsmith's University of London
2008-2014 B.A. Fine Arts, department of »Time-Based Media«, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg
2022 – Isabel Züricher: Angela Anzi - Sentimental Organs, in: Kunstbulletin 09/22, ed. by Schweizer Kunstverein, Zürich, 2022, p. 48 - 53
2017 - Angela Anzi: Beschallung einer Mimose, in: "(Mit) Pflanzen kartografieren. Mapping (with) Plants, ed. by Hanne Loreck, Andrea Klier und Sara Lindeborg", edition HFBK 61, Hamburg 2017, p. 118 -125
2012 - Johannes Lothar Schröder: Schlafende Objekte. Angela Anzi – Eigenzeit in der Raumkapsel, in: "hühnerhaus volksdorf kunst [2]", ed. by Edith Sticker, Hamburg 2012, p. 17 - 14